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Select images for 2024

Digital Compositing

Odd Configurations – Robotic Projections – Futuristic Ethnic Ramblings – Brilliant Colors

A mixture of abstract and figurative, I use all resources available to computers towards creating and combining elements of my photography, paintings and mixed media art with digital artistic tools, and imaginative creativity into artistic hybrids I refer to as Computer Evolved Art.


As an autodidact artist, I owe my artistic roots to the purchase of my first camera at age seventeen. I later purchased my first computer inspired by the lure of a new creative and intellectual frontier from which I created a digital library of my photography and tactile paintings. With a newly gained ability to manipulate scanned images my skills developed, and I began to offer photo altering/restoration services while simultaneously altering and combining images from my digital library. Below images are part of my latest generation of work.

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